There is a place for all ages
Second truly loves kids and embraces a commitment to support families by teaching God’s Word and maintaining an atmosphere that inspires faith and growth. Our SecondKids Ministry focuses on guiding children through each stage of life with fun and intentionality while preparing parents to cultivate their child’s growing faith in God. Through purposeful teaching and engaging programs designed specifically for them, Second helps kids from nursery through grade 5 learn God’s truth and shape a biblical understanding of the world. In a safe and nurturing environment, kids know they are loved and cared for and parents are supported and equipped. They’ll beg to return each week! For more information, contact us and one of our pastors will reach out to you.

At Second Baptist Church, we are committed to creating community. The key to connecting is getting involved in a Bible Study class. Adult Bible Study is the heartbeat of the Second Family and is what gives our big church a friendly, small town feel. Classes are designed with our diverse crowd in mind. You will find a class for every age – literally from birth to your final day on earth! Some classes are organized by age range and marital status, while others are for all ages and stages of life. Several are even taught in languages other than English. In your class, you will have an opportunity to get involved in small groups, women’s and men’s events, service projects, mission trips, sports leagues, and much more. You will discover that the class becomes your “Second” Family as you make wonderful friends and begin “doing life” together. Our classes are free, there are no homework assignments or tests, and you will never be called on to read or pray aloud or answer questions without knowing in advance. Yet, our classes are designed to challenge you every week to grow in your faith. Whether you have never owned a Bible or hold a Master’s Degree in Theology, come join us. You will be glad you did!