Next Steps

Place your faith in Jesus

Join Us in Worship

Come be part of any of our 21 weekend services and learn more about God, how to grow deeper in your faith, and get connected with other believers through Bible study.


Place Your Faith in Jesus

The world has a sin problem, and no one is immune to it. The Bible tells us that there is a punishment for all who sin, and that is eternal separation from God. However, in the midst of our inability to change this problem, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the solution. It is only through Him, through His great sacrifice, that we are able to have a relationship with God and be saved from our own failures and from the eternity we really deserve. The invitation is to admit one’s sin and inability to do anything about it, to believe in Him and the Gospel story, and to confess Him as Lord of one’s life.

If you want to know more about salvation, please give our church a call and ask to speak to someone in the evangelism department or contact us and a pastor will reach out to you shortly.

John 3:16 | Romans 3:23 | Romans 5:8 | Romans 6:23 | Romans 10:9-10, 13

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What is Baptism?

Baptism is raising your flag for Jesus Christ! It’s telling the world that you have a new boss and a new life, and that your life is going to reflect this change in leadership. The old has gone, the new has come!

If you have trusted Jesus as your Lord and your Savior, but have not yet been baptized, then baptism is your next best step. Schedule it today by contacting us.

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Become a Member

Memberships have their benefits, and that’s why officially joining the Second Family could be your greatest next step! Joining a church helps change the narrative and feeling of church, taking one from saying and feeling, “Second is the church I attend” to “Second is my church.” It gives one a sense of ownership and enhanced feeling of commitment to the church family. It opens up new options for volunteering in some of the exciting ministries around the church. Last, it allows us to really care for you and minister to you as a part of our family.

If you believe that membership is your next best step, we’d love to help you join! You can either walk forward during the invitation at the end of the service you attend or you can meet with a pastor during the week. Contact us if you have questions or are ready to take the next step and join the Second Family.

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Bible Study

Grow in your relationship with Christ
At Second Baptist Church, we are committed to creating community. The key to connecting is getting involved in a Bible Study class. Adult Bible Study is the heartbeat of the Second Family and is what gives our big church a friendly, small town feel. Classes are designed with our diverse crowd in mind. You will find a class for every age – literally from birth to your final day on earth! Some classes are organized by age range and marital status, while others are for all ages and stages of life. Several are even taught in languages other than English. In your class, you will have an opportunity to get involved in small groups, women’s and men’s events, service projects, mission trips, sports leagues, and much more. You will discover that the class becomes your “Second” Family as you make wonderful friends and begin “doing life” together. Our classes are free, there are no homework assignments or tests, and you will never be called on to read or pray aloud or answer questions without knowing in advance. Yet, our classes are designed to challenge you every week to grow in your faith. Whether you have never owned a Bible or hold a Master’s Degree in Theology, come join us. You will be glad you did!

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Help those in Need

We love our volunteers! They are a vital part in impacting people for Jesus inside the church, around the city of Houston, and even all around the world. Volunteering allows you to use the incredible gifts God has given you, meet new people, and make friends all around the church! It will enhance your experience and give you that “my church” feeling that makes so many in the Second Family feel like it’s their second home.

If you are looking to use your time and gifts to impact people for Jesus, there are number of different ways to serve. Contact us and one of our staff members will reach out to you shortly about discovering your place to serve.

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We are Motivated by love and mobilized to serve

Go. It’s our mission. We are motivated by love and mobilized to serve. Wherever there is a soul, we’ve been called to go and share Jesus with them. We want everyone in Houston, Texas, the United States, and the entire world to know the life-changing power of Jesus Christ in their lives.

There are a number of ways to "go" with the Second Family. Would you like to go in Houston? We support and serve in 76 different local organizations. Are you feeling called to go on a national or international trip? We have many to choose from! Call 713.465.3408 and ask for the Missions Office.

Simply put, there’s a place for you to "go" with the Second Family. Would you join us as we look to impact the world for Jesus?

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Why We Give

Some people have a negative view of giving, or tithing, as it’s more commonly referred to in the church world. That is not how God intended it to be at all, though. Giving is done for a number of reasons. We give out of obedience. We give because it’s a great way to honor the Lord for all that He has generously given us. We give because it is an act of worship that shows God who is in control of our lives. We give, because at the end of the day, everything is His to begin with – and we are all just stewards of His resources. Lastly, we give because of the great opportunity. When you give, you open the door to reaching more people through the people, programs and ministries that are committed to seeing Jesus change lives. And if you ask us, that is a cause worth giving to.

Annual Pledge Form

Quiet Time

Building a Personal Relationship

God is interested in more time with you than just one day a week. His plans for you are great and His love for you makes Him desire personal interaction with you. Being intentional about time with God doesn’t mean you need to fill your week with church-sponsored programs and events, although being connected with a community of believers is important. It means there should be some "behind the scenes" work going on – work that will have a huge impact on your life moving forward. We call it a quiet time.

These intentional moments create space for Him to teach and mold you. Having a consistent quiet time makes room in your life for God to communicate with you and reveal His purpose for your life. This kind of one-on-one relationship building is a key to growing as a Christian.

There is no real formula to follow, although most include some combination of prayer and reading the Bible.

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Place Your Faith in Jesus

The world has a sin problem, and no one is immune to it. The Bible tells us that there is a punishment for all who sin, and that is eternal separation from God. However, in the midst of our inability to change this problem, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the solution. It is only through Him, through His great sacrifice, that we are able to have a relationship with God and be saved from our own failures and from the eternity we really deserve. The invitation is to admit one’s sin and inability to do anything about it, to believe in Him and the Gospel story, and to confess Him as Lord of one’s life.

If you want to know more about salvation, please give our church a call and ask to speak to someone in the evangelism department or contact us and a pastor will reach out to you shortly.

John 3:16 | Romans 3:23 | Romans 5:8 | Romans 6:23 | Romans 10:9-10, 13