Teacher Resources
Additional resources to help you teach God's Word
Additional Resources
by Dave Riggle
for preparing your lesson
Developing Your Gift
14 Day Study Plan
Learn step-by-step instructions on how to prepare your Bible Study lesson in 14 days.Recommended Readings
Download a list of books recommended by our pastors.
What Every Christian Needs to Know
Online lesson helps for teachersLesson 1: The Bible
Lesson 2: Old Testament Survey
Lesson 3: New Testament Survey
Lesson 4: The Trinity
Lesson 5: God the Father
Lesson 6: God the Son His Deity
Lesson 7: God the Son: His Incarnation
Lesson 8: God the Son: His Substitutionary Death-Atonement
Lesson 9: God the Son - His Resurrection
Lesson 10: God the Son: His Ascension and Current Ministry
Lesson 11: Salvation: Justification & Grace
Lesson 12: Salvation: Eternal Security/Assurance
Lesson 13: Salvation From the Power of Sin
Lesson 14: Man: His Creation
Lesson 15: Man: His Fall
Lesson 16:Sin: It's Nature:Character
Lesson 17:The World, The Flesh & The Devil
Lesson 18: God The Holy Spirit:The Person
Lesson 19: God The Holy Spirit: Baptism & Filling
Lesson 20: Spiritual Gifts
Lesson 21: The Spiritual Life-Living By Faith
Lesson 22: The Spiritual Life-Six Components of the Christian Life
Lesson 23: Salvation Faith vs Works
Lesson 24: Salvation: Election
Lesson 25: Repent! Repent! Repent!
Lesson 26: The Church Its Purpose & Mission
Lesson 27: Water Baptism
Lesson 28: The Lord's Supper
Lesson 29: Heaven & Our Resurrection
Lesson 30: The Biblical Doctrine of Hell
Lesson 31: The Kingdom, End Times
Lesson 32: The Judgments
Lesson 33: Contemporary Issues 1
Lesson 34: Contemporary Issues 2
Lesson 35: Contemporary Issues 3
Reference Materials For Teachers