Circus Spectacular
It’s Christmas time, and the citizens of Wow are preparing for their Wonderful Whimsical Wonderland celebration! As they work hard to get all the decorations and festivities ready, they’ll learn not to get caught up in the details of Christmas but to trust the plans and promises that God has for them. Join us for a wacky winter celebration as we learn that Christmas isn’t just a story about a baby in a manger, it’s the story of God’s plan to save us!

Memory Verse:
New Living Translation

68 “Praise the Lord, the God of Israel,
    because he has visited and redeemed his people.
69 He has sent us a mighty Savior
    from the royal line of his servant David,
70 just as he promised
    through his holy prophets long ago.

Luke 1:68-70

Week 1

Jesus' Genealogy

Bible Lesson

Matthew 1:1-17

Table Talk Questions

  1. Who were the first people God created?
  2. God promised the people of Israel that a Savior was coming - who was it
  3. Whose family line did Jesus come from?
  4. God promised that David would have a king on the throne forever, and God kept His promise through Jesus! Jesus is called the_________. [i]
Week 2

Zacharias Prophesies

Bible Lesson

Luke 1:5-25, 57-80

Table Talk Questions

  1. What did Zacharias see standing next to the altar?
  2. What happened to Zacharias' voice?
  3. What important message did God want Zacharias to give the people?
  4. What was John's important job?
Week 3

An Angel Appears to Mary

Bible Lesson

Luke 1:26-56

Table Talk Questions

  1. What did the angel tell Mary
  2. How did Mary react?
  3. Who did Mary go see when the angel left?
  4. Who was Mary engaged to?
Week 4

Christ is Born

Bible Lesson

Luke 2:1-20

Table Talk Questions

  1. Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?
  2. How did the shepherds react when the angel appeared to them?
  3. What did the angels tell the shepherd to do?
  4. Why was Jesus born into this world? [i]
Week 5

Anna and Simeon

Bible Lesson

Luke 2:31-38

Table Talk Questions

  1. What had God promised Anna & Simeon would happen before they die?
  2. When Anna & Simeon saw Jesus what did they do?
  3. What good news have you been excited to share with someone?
  4. What promise has God kept to you?
Week 6

Jesus Dies and Rises Again

Bible Lesson

Matthew 27:31-28:20

Table Talk Questions

  1. Why did Jesus have to die?
  2. Did He do anything to deserve death?
  3. After Jesus rose again, what instructions did He give His disciples?
  4. To accept God's free gift of salvation what must we do to be saved? [i]
Series Main