Major Steko Main Image
Enter the video game world of Major Steko, where the only way to win is to use the armor and defeat the hammer. Our mission is to help Major Steko beat all five levels by collecting each piece of the Armor of God. Accept the challenge and join us as we learn to put on the full Armor of God and stand firm in God's Word!

Memory Verse:
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full Armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.”

Ephesians 6:10-11

Week 1

The Wise and Foolish Builders

Bible Lesson

Matthew 7:24-27

Table Talk Questions

  1. Will God's truth ever change?
  2. How can building your life on God's truth help you in the "storms" of life?
  3. How can knowing God's truth help you to make the right choices?
Week 2

The Prodigal Son

Bible Lesson

Luke 15:11-32

Table Talk Questions

  1. What is reighteousness? [i]
  2. In the story the Prodigal Son, why do you think the son left his father?
  3. What is the ARMOR OF GOD? [i]
Week 3

Jesus Dies and Rises Again

Bible Lesson

John 18-20

Table Talk Questions

  1. Did Jesus ever sin?
  2. Why did Jesus die for us?? [i]
  3. How can you be ready to tell others about Jesus?
Week 4

The Sower and the Seeds

Bible Lesson

Matthew 13:1-23

Table Talk Questions

  1. Why do you think we should read the Bible?
  2. In Matthew 13:3-8, what does the seed represent?
  3. How can knowing the Bible help you fight the temptation to sin or believe something that is not true?
Week 5

Hall of Faith

Bible Lesson

Hebrews 11:1-12:2

Table Talk Questions

  1. Why do you think God wants us to have faith in Him?
  2. Why are shields important to the Roman soldiers?
  3. Do you remember all the pieces of the Armor of God? [i]
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