Circus Spectacular

Dr. Frazzelstein

Welcome to the HEART of Jungamunga Jungle. Danger is everywhere. Beware of chomping crocodiles, gargantuan gorillas, slithering snakes, pouncing panthers, and the malicious macaw. Amid these beautiful beasts and often terrifying terrors, Eliza and her brave cameraman, Max, journey into the depths of Jungamunga in hopes of finding the answer to what lies within the HEART … of the Jungle. Gather your courage as we journey through this series, we will study Abram, whom you probably know as Abraham. Abraham is known for his faith in God.

Memory Verse:
“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Week 1

God is trustworthy, so I will follow Him

Bible Lesson

Abram Believes God’s Promise – Genesis 12:1-9

Table Talk Questions

  1. What is FAITH? [i]
  2. What are three things that God promised Abram?
  3. Think of and talk about a time where it was hard for you to obeying God
  4. What are ways that you can obey God?
Week 2

God is enough, so I will share

Bible Lesson

Abram and Lot Separate – Genesis13:1-18

Table Talk Questions

  1. How can sharing with a good attitude help you have a good relationship with the people in your family?
  2. Why did Abram and Lot move away from each other?
  3. Why do you think Abram let his cousin, Lot, choose the land first?
  4. When a conflict comes up are you more likely to share or argue? Why?
Week 3

God is good, so I won't look back

Bible Lesson

Sodom and Gomorrah – Genesis 18:20-33; 19:1-29

Table Talk Questions

  1. What were the people in Sodom and the city of Gomorrah doing wrong
  2. Sodom was a terrible place. Why do you think the angels had to pull Lot and his family away from Sodom?
  3. Peer pressure is the feeling that you must act in a certain way to be accepted by a group of people. Do you think peer pressure affected Lot and his family? Explain your answer.
  4. God is good. How should believing this affect the way you make your choices?
Week 4

God keeps His promises, so I will trust Him

Bible Lesson

Ishmael and Isaac are Born – Genesis 15-16; 21:1-8

Table Talk Questions

  1. What does “God keeps His promises” mean? [i]
  2. Why do you think Abraham and Sarah struggled to wait for God’s promise
  3. What attitude should we have as we wait for the Lord?
  4. What is a way this week that you can trust God completely?
Week 5

God provides, so I will obey Him

Bible Lesson

Sacrifice of Isaac – Genesis 22

Table Talk Questions

  1. How do you think Abraham felt, when God told him to sacrifice Isaac rather than a sheep?
  2. Why do you think Abraham decided to obey God before he knew how God was going to provide?
  3. How has God provided for you?
Week 6

God listens, so I will pray

Bible Lesson

A Wife for Isaac – Genesis 24

Table Talk Questions

  1. What is prayer and why is it important?
  2. What did Abraham want for his son Isaac and how would he know who to choose?
  3. Who was sent to find Isaac a wife?
  4. Do you have any stories of God answering your prayers or someone else’s prayers?
Series Main