

Passion Week

In Good Hands

“And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, ‘Father, into Thy hands I commit My Spirit.’ And having said that, He breathed His last.”
– Luke 23:46

As we go to the Cross, we recall that the Gospels record the “seven last words” of Jesus from the Cross. When we study these statements, we begin to comprehend, better perhaps than in any other biblical account, the very heart of God. The final word from the Cross is one of the greatest words of all. It is a prayer. The seven last words begin with a prayer as Jesus asked the Father to forgive those who crucified Him. And here, in this last word, is another prayer. And this prayer is the very essence of the Christian life. It is about surrender. Jesus prayed “Into Thy hands, I commit, that is, I surrender all.” As we learn to surrender our all to the Lord Jesus Christ, we just extend our arms, and we surrender all that we are to Him – and He will catch us every time. 

Thank God today that the Christian life is not about “trying” to be a Christian, or working harder, or doing anything – it is about surrender. When we surrender our all to God, we can know without a doubt that we are in good hands.