January 26, 2025 - January 26, 2025Time
South CampusContact
Jeff Hiett
FreeOne of the best things about the South Campus is the wide range of nationalities represented in our church family. This past January, we celebrated this diversity on International Day! International Day was such a huge success we are now planning our second International Day on Sunday, January 26th, 2025! It will be an exciting day as we are reminded we are a church body made up of people from all around the world. Our lobby will be filled with display tables showcasing items from around the world. Many of the groups will also provide food samples from their country of origin. The highlight of the morning though will be the powerful worship services as we celebrate our nationalities but more importantly, as we praise the God of the nations,
Like last year, the first step in our preparation for this special day is to identify each and every nationality represented in our church family. If you, your parents or your grandparents originally lived in a foreign country and then moved to the United States, please let us know by clicking here and filling out this form.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jeff Hiett at jhiett@second.org.