


Don’t Stifle Yourself

“But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” 
– 1 Peter 3:15

Whether you ever saw the television show “All in the Family” or not, you are probably familiar with Archie Bunker’s catchphrase to his overly talkative wife, Edith: Stifle yourself! Stifling may be good for some situations, but never in the case of your heart or your witness. And we stifle both when we try to stay quiet about our faith. Listen, the world is starving for truth, but looking in all the wrong places. In fact, you will probably come across someone this very day who has lost their way in life and needs to hear the true Truth of God. If you know Christ, then you know the Truth, because He is the Truth. So, don’t stifle yourself. Follow His lead and speak the truth in love. Someone is waiting to hear from you.

Has your relationship with Christ made a difference in your life? Then tell someone about it. Luke 12:12 promises that the Holy Spirit will teach you what you need to say.