Sonshine Summer

Son-Shine Summer Title Horizontal
Grab your beach towel and your volleyball, and join us as we spend the summer setting up our strategy for living God’s way instead of our way. As we compare the lives of King Saul and King David, we’ll learn what it means to trust and follow God with our whole hearts and how to make our lives shine bright for Him!
Memory Verse:
"Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it."
Psalm 27:3-5
Week 1

God is the King of Kings

Bible Lesson

Saul Becomes King - 1 Samuel 8-10

Table Talk Questions

  1. Have you ever wanted to be like everyone else? Can you give an example of something you wanted, because others had it?
  2. Would you want to be king/queen of a country? Why or why not?
  3. What makes a good leader?
  4. Why do you think Saul was hiding when Samuel was going to announce him as king?
Week 2

God Wants My Whole Heart

Bible Lesson

Saul Disobeys God - 1 Samuel 13, 15

Table Talk Questions

  1. What does it mean to love God wholeheartedly? Can you give an example of someone who does this well?
  2. Why do you think God took the kingdom away from Saul?
  3. Have you every obeyed half-way? What was the result?
  4. How is choosing to obey God choosing to love Him?
Week 3

God Sees Me

Bible Lesson

David is Anointed King - 1 Samuel 16, Psalm 139

Table Talk Questions

  1. Do you ever feel pressure to look a certain way outside?
  2. Have you been tempted to judge something or someone by the way they look?
  3. Why do yo think people put so much importance on the way things look?
  4. We know how to make our outsides look beautiful. Because our heart matters most, how can we make our inside beautiful too?
Week 4

God is Strong

Bible Lesson

David and Goliath — 1 Samuel 17

Table Talk Questions

  1. Can you imagine being at this battle? Do you think you would have been brave, like David? Why/why not?
  2. David was the only person, who believed in God's strength. Have you ever felt like you were the only person who was willing to do the right thing? Were you nervous when you chose to be different from everyone else by doing the right thing?
  3. As king, it was Saul's job to fight Goliath. Why do you think Saul was hiding?
Week 5

Focus on God First

Bible Lesson

David and Jonathan - 1 Samuel 18-20

Table Talk Questions

  1. How important are other people's opinions about you?
  2. What does it mean to focus on God first?
  3. When is it the most difficult for you to focus on God instead of other people?
  4. Is it wrong to obsess over the number of friends you have?
Week 6

Choose God's Way

Bible Lesson

David Spares Saul — 1 Samuel 24, 26

Table Talk Questions

  1. Before the events of 1 Samuel 24 and 26, do you think David ever thought about the way he would treat Saul, if he had the opportunity to kill him? Is it a good idea to think through tough decisions ahead of time?
  2. Why do you think David's men respected David's decision to spare the king?
  3. How would you describe the way David treated King Saul?
  4. What is "God's way?" How can we know what the best choice is?
Week 7

Choose Peace

Bible Lesson

Abigail Makes Peace — 1 Samuel 25

Table Talk Questions

  1. What should we do when we find ourselves in a disagreement with someone?
  2. How should we treat people who have been mean to us?
  3. Who can keep our hearts at peace, even in difficult situations?
Week 8

Love Your Enemies

Bible Lesson

David Becomes King — 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1-5:5

Table Talk Questions

  1. David was king of only Judah for seven years, while Ishbosheth ruled over the northern kingdoms. Why do you think David waiting for so long to become king of all Israel?
  2. What should you do when someone is mean to you? How is that different from what you want to do?
  3. How can you learn to love your enemies?
  4. What things other than Jesus have you made "King" in your life?
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